Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The War At Home

So what is more disturbing than a soldier burned in effigy and an American flag being burned and defecated on? Take a close look at the pictures inserted to the right and you will find the answer.

Give up? Look a little closer.

In the picture of the burning American flag and the soldier burning in effigy there is a man wearing a blue shirt between the two. Look who is standing directly to his left, your right. That's right a small impressionable child.

Now in the next picture, we see a naked thug squatting over something. What is he doing you ask? He is defecating on an American flag. Look who is in the background of the picture laughing at what he is doing. That's right, another small impressionable child.

It is one thing for an idiot to disgrace him or herself by getting involved in these unlawful assemblies, but it is another for someone to bring their child to such an event. We thought our children were being brainwashed with liberal garbage in public schools and institutions of higher learning...turns out they're parents were doing it before they made it to junior high. These children are being indoctrinated as the next generation of American haters. When will decent Americans take a stand against these people and say enough is enough?

It is not worth believing in something, unless you are willing to stand for it.

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