Monday, March 12, 2007

Obama: Those Poor Palestinian Terrorist Led People

On Sunday, Presidential not so hopeful based on his idiotic comments Barack Obama, made a grave mistake when speaking to a group of Iowa Democrats. He stated that, "nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people". This comment was made when Obama was discussing his plans for creating peace in the Middle East.

Well Mr. Obama, get your pencil and paper ready because it's school time!

First of all, I can think of a group of people suffering more than the Palestinians and those are the Israelis. They are firmly entrenched behind enemy lines; surrounded on every side by the enemy. This same enemy does not recognize Israel as a state and seeks its inevitable destruction. Iran's president has made it his goal to "wipe Israel off the map" and is currently developing their nuclear weapons program. Further, the Israeli people constantly have to worry themselves with terrorist kidnappings and combat engagements from the enemy who lies a stone's throw away. If the enemy isn't crossing into Israel and terrorizing citizens then they are launching short range missle strikes into their homes. If that were not enough, they have been and are currently being pressured to give more of their land away in return for peace that we all know will not last.

Now Mr. Obama, compare just of few of these things Israel must deal with, to the fact that the Palestinian people may not have all the Western conveniences they desire and you tell me that again with a straight face. Lets add the fact that the Palestinian people will not stand for a democracy and have done nothing to disrupt their terrorist led government. You are not ready to be President and based on your recent actions I doubt you ever will be. You disgust me and you are one of those people I am sad to say is a fellow American.

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