Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Perimeter Sets

In addition to the kidnapping of the British soldiers by Iran, Saudi Arabia has just made the Middle East a little less stable. Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah stated that Iraq is "under an illegitimate foreign occupation", referring to the presence of the US military. Further, Saudi Arabia stated, "If Israel refuses, that means it doesn't want peace...they will putting their future not in the hands of the peacemakers, but in the hands of lords of war". This statement was made by Saudi Arabia's foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal in response to Secretary of State Rice's comments on reaching peace in the Middle East.

Basically, Saudi Arabia does not want peace with Israel. For Saudi Arabia to move towards peace in the Middle East, especially with Israel then Israel has to return its lands to the pre-1967 border alignments and surrender the holy city of Jerusalem. Sounds like instead of a compromise, they want it all.

If one looks at a current map of the Middle East you will find that Israel is behind enemy lines. Israel has been further entrenched with the comments and demands of Saudi Arabia. Directly to the north is Lebanon, which you can recall was engaged in a heated military battle with Israel this past summer, which included the launching of hundreds of rockets into civilian populations in Israel. To the East is Syria and Jordan, need I say more? To the South East is Saudi Arabia, which has made it's intentions for war with Israel internationally known. To the South West is Egypt, which breeds terror and is a funnel for Islamic extremest and terrorist into and out of Africa.

So what options does Israel have? Continue to stand fast against an enemy that has them surrounded or start swimming I guess.

The contempt for the US is largely derived from our support of Israel. Many say we should cut and run from our ties and stay out of the Middle East war. These are the same people saying we should cut and run form those who attacked us and through insurgency are destroying any hope for democracy in the Middle East. If we cut and run, Iraq will consume itself, Afghanistan will again become a stronghold for Taliban and other terrorist and all countries in the Middle East will be emboldened with their religious fanaticism.

What will this mean? Israel will certainly become a victim and be destroyed, democracy will never survive, Islamic extremism will spread and consume Europe and Africa. Attacks will target America for past involvement and Americans will die. What makes this scenario any different then what happened in the early 1940's? Nothing. We must fight for freedom or there will be no freedoms left to fight for. Yes good men will die and they will have died for something honorable and everlasting...freedom and the American way of life.

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