Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Insurgents Use Children To Detonate IED

Tragic and disturbing news out of Iraq today! Insurgents are using new techniques to get past military check points and detonate their IEDs, resulting in the murders of innocent children.

Soldiers manning a checkpoint in Baghdad observed a vehicle approach the checkpoint with two small children in the backseat. Seeing the children lowered the suspicion of the soldiers and they let the vehicle pass. Shortly after clearing the checkpoint, the vehicle parked near a market across from a school. Two men immediately ran from the vehicle and detonated an IED, leaving both children in the backseat to die.

It is obvious that the insurgents are appealing to the compassion and innocence of decent Americans by using children as a smoke screen for their deadly intentions. This should lead all Americans to believe the ruthlessness of these evil vicious people and further cement our goal of winning this war so these thugs do not continue to roam the neighborhoods of this planet. This event shows who the real enemy is and what their intentions are for the rest of us.

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