Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Iranian Official Missing, Isreal on Alert

Ali Reza Asqhari, 67, has been missing since February 7th. Asqhari was the senior official in Iran's nuclear weapons program and Iranian officials have responded to Turkey to determine his whereabouts. Israel, who has been blamed for past disappearances of Iranian officials, placed all installations on alert for fear of Iranian direct military actions against them.

Iranian officials believe that Asqhari defected and was eventually taken to the United States as part of an effort by the CIA to obtain information on Iran's nuclear weapon program. Asqhari helped form Hezbollah's military and has specific information about Iran's intervention in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

If true, it appears that the CIA's efforts are paying off. However, if necessary, the United States must start taking these people by force and begin using innovative interrogation techniques to obtain vital information that will help the United Stated better defend itself. The time of worrying about legalities is gone and we must circumvent traditional practices to win the War on Terrorism.

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