Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Homegrown Islamic Terrorism

In Gary Bauer’s End of Day report he cites a Washington Times article regarding advanced security measures being pursued to combat Islamic terrorism within Great Britain. Security officials plan to, “profile mosques on the Continent and identify radical Islamic clerics who raise the threat of homegrown terrorism.” Specifically, officials plan to investigate how these possible subversive organizations obtain their funding.

It is about time!

When is America going to remember and learn from our previous mistakes? Our Constitution was not written with the forethought that we would be faced with religious extremists who would seek the destruction of the entire free world. Thus our liberty does not extend to terrorist. If this is the case, then we must make those liberties we do afford more flexible to allow security officials to track and destroy the enemy bedding down in the United States.

If Muslims here in the United States find this offensive and unacceptable then stand up and make yourself heard. I am not talking about whining and bring suit against concerned citizens who saw you “infiltrating and testing” airline security. I am talking about so called moderate Muslims who are American citizens and believe in the American way of life. If you claim that and believe it to be true, then stand up on behalf of America and denounce the beliefs and actions of terrorist Islam.

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