Obviously Reid has not done his homework. Since the troop surge has been in place, Iraqi civilian casualties have leveled off. After rising exponentially every month for the last year, rising from 600 to 1,600 hundred, the rate of Iraqi civilians killed has steadied itself for the last 3 months.
Victory cannot be ours unless we believe we can win and strive for it. The second we fall into Reid's trap and claim defeat, then we will start down that road and never make it back. By claiming defeat, the enemy has been emboldened and believing it is close to victory will intensify their fighting in an effort to drive the infidels out. Once that is accomplished, they will come for us with a renewed reason to take our lives.
Harry, you, Nancy and your band of "losers" have already proven to be ineffective leaders and have provided evidence that you will take the path of least resistance just because it is an easier path to walk. You must recognize that this path will lead to a dark and evil place and some day you will be asking the American soldier to bail you out...again.
The real question to be asked here is "what are we going to consider a 'win'". It's so simplistic to say 'a long lasting peace' when this is a region that has not necessarily had that for the last 30 or so CENTURIES. Yes, it's an admirable goal, but it's certainly presumptuous to think that our glorious system of democracy will fit a culture that does not respect that. Better to back off and establish a 'cold diplomacy', or a working relationship which respects the people and resources, basically, we want the oil and the trading relationship without worrying about the social ills of the people. leave that to amnesty international and other NGOs. we need to be devoting our resources to our own people, and we need to stop depleting our reserves. or more appropriately, we need to stop the bleeding to our deficits. if we were to have a real tax rate, which would reflect our debt, the american people would be running a 50% rate for at least 6 years to get to an even keel. as it stands, china, japan and india are buying up our debt at UNKNOWINGLY SURPRISING RATES. what this means is that we are borrowing money from THESE nations, with promises to pay them off down the lines, weakening our currency (note the current strength of the pound and the yen against our dollar), and our global stability. this is a pattern that can not and absolutely WILL not continue for long, due to eventually us running out of collateral and having our debt issued as junk bonds. basically, we financing a war on credit and it is time to face reality. the most basic reality is that we will never realize the success that the current administration envisions, and if we try to pursue it, we will take our nation over the brink of bankruptcy. yes, there is some good being done Iraq, no one should doubt that. yes, our soldiers are serving admirably. however, as far as civilian casualties 'levelling off', I don't agree, attacks are becoming more advanced and larger scale. I don't trust russia to keep a tight inventory on any assets/weapons in that region either, adding to the instability.
Rather I agree Mike's comments, you comments, or anyone elses I am going to voice something that is mearly MY opinion. That is: Anonymous comments and postings are for cowards.
Ok I'm finished. Carry on.
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