Friday, April 20, 2007

Letters Home

I have sometimes been accused of war mongering and encouraging our government in seeking the undeniable destruction of the enemy with violence of action. Well, your accusations are well founded. I do want evil wiped of the face of this earth and I am willing to support our government in military actions that it determines is reasonable and prudent in dealing with the threat. However, this support does not come blindly and without great confliction.

I know what our sacrifices are and it pains me every time one of our boys dies on a foreign battlefield never to come home. I have spent hours in the recent days writing to the wives, mothers, fathers and children of dead Americans who sacrificed their lives to spare ours. I know full well what it means when Daddy does not come home to his newborn. It is an unimaginable tragedy.

Do not lecture me or demonstrate against our government about the costs of this war unless you know how it affects those who are actually fighting on the front lines. Politics and economics should not be the reason why you are for or against this war. Good vs evil and the men surviving in the middle should be your only reason.

Good men live and good men die, but regardless they are true Americans and better than I.

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