Monday, April 23, 2007

Harry! Quiet Down, It's School Time.

Harry! Nancy! You kids get over here, it is time for your lesson in English as it relates to foreign diplomacy and war time democracy. Now Harry, I have told you before, but you must think before you open your mouth and prove the world right in their opinions regarding your idiocy. Before you pledged that the War in Iraq was lost, why didn't you take the time to research exactly what the word means? Let me show you:

The word lost can also be defined as astray, cast away, disorientated, forfeited, irrecoverable, irretrievable, off-course, vanished, bygone, consumed, dead, demolished, destroyed, devastated, exterminated, forgotten, obliterated, perished, ruined, squandered, wasted, un-remembered...shall I go on?

Harry, you have submitted and claimed defeat! To submit means to acquiesce, appease, capitulate, concede, fold, quit, resign, succumb and surrender. Did I ask you to surrender? Did anyone ask you to surrender? You believe in a phased transition of US forces out of Iraq and the use of diplomacy as a prime weapon in the war on terror, yet you claim we lost.

You have offered the enemy the keys to our backdoor and have taken up a white flag for protection as they unknowingly creep by you into the shadows of our lives. There they will wait until we fall asleep then they will attack with re-newed vigor and attempt to destroy us. Instead of working to end this war, you have simply delayed the inevitable. Know that we will again fight this war. Although, it will not be you or I, it will be our children and grandchildren and they will fight with weapons much deadlier than an IED.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike, something for you to take a look at.