Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Options For Iran

On Tuesday, former US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, stated diplomacy has failed in dealing with Iran and he is worried about the continued existence of Israel. Bolton stated, "the current approach of the Europeans and the Americans is not just doomed to failure, but dangerous" he said. "Dealing with the Iranians just gives them what they want, which is more time". On Monday, Iran agreed to have a team from the IAEA enter their country and work with the Iranians in an attempt to unveil the secrecy behind their self-proclaimed peaceful purpose for nuclear technology. Bolton further stated that we only have two options left, an over-throw of the regime from within or a last resort military engagement.

Bolton is exactly right, Iran is buying time. By prolonging the inevitable we are committing ourselves to another protracted war or a nuclear Iran. Which is the lesser of two evils? Which are you willing to live with? When will we learn from history that problems such as these must be dealt with swiftly and decisively?

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