Thursday, July 12, 2007

Terrorism Will Be Eradicated In Pakistan

In an address to the nation, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf vowed that Islamic extremism and terrorism will be eradicated in Pakistan. This address came after the Pakistani military stormed and re-took control of the Red Mosque.

Musharraf stated, "unfortunately we have been up against our own people... they had strayed from the right path and become susceptible to terrorism". This is the problem humanity is faced with. The problem is killing another human being. We must make a distinction between those who choose to live by the law and those who choose to break it. Those who choose to break it must be dealt with swiftly and certainly. If they choose to involve themselves in terrorism and war with others then they are the enemy and the enemy must be defeated.

Musharraf has made a bold statement against those who commit terrorism in his country. He has committed to himself a death sentence which the commission of will be attempted by Islamic extremist within Pakistan. However, some things in life are more important than one man.

Lets say Musharraf is assassinated or losses control in some other manner, the world and specifically the United States will be faced with several severe problems. First, Pakistan will be at risk of losing control of their nuclear weapons. That means terrorists will be in control of a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying many governments. Second, who will then control Pakistan's oil fields? Iran is already eyeing a possible security vacuum in Iraq, what would stop then from moving into Pakistan as well?

We must resign ourselves to victory at all costs. We are righteous and sometimes the righteous must make tough decisions that include killing the enemy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be warned my friends: If you don't stop terror where it stands, as it stands, this could be your grand-daughter in a very few years; a smile on their face, a tear on their cheek, and an M14b1997 everywhere they go, every day.