Friday, February 23, 2007

GIs Petition Congress to End War

Over 1,000 American soldiers fighting on the frontlines in Iraq have petitioned directly to Congress for an end to the War. Supporters of the petition claim that under the 1995 Whistle blower Act, soldiers have the right to express their concerns in a protected communication directly to Congress.

Navy Petty Officer Jonathan Hutto stated, "I'm not anti-war. I'm not a pacifist. I'm not opposed to protecting our country and defending our principles, but at the same time, as citizens, it's our obligation to have a questioning attitude … about policy". Marine Sgt. Liam Madden, who helped Hutto to found the organization stated, "just because we volunteered for the military doesn't mean we volunteered to put our lives in unnecessary harm and to carry out missions that are illogical and immoral".

Well Mr. Hutto and Mr. Madden fighting in a war that the President and Congress both authorized American military forces to fight in is exactly what you signed up for. You may signed up for some other benefits that the military has to offer but in return you agreed to fight for the American people in aggressive actions in foreign lands.

Part of me wants to say, "Fine, if you want out we will send you home with a dishonorable discharge, we don't need gutless cowards like you anyway". The other, more reasonable part of me knows that if we succumb to these people who obviously have no fortitude or vision, then more soldiers than these will follow suit.

Our country needs to take a page from the United Kingdom. Prince Harry will be deploying to Iraq to serve with his comrades by is own choice. He knows that he can easily get out of serving in Iraq but he choose to serve, knowing that a great leader is born of a man who fights in the trenches with his men. We, soldiers and American citizens alike, need to sacrifice to win the War on Terror and insure that America will stand as the greatest country for all time.


ToadRocket said...

Pathetic. We should all move to Australia. Those guys seem to have their heads screwed on straight down there.

Anonymous said...

Until you get the balls to enlist, train and fight in Iraq you have no authority to suggest that other Americans should participate in the war. While you sit in front of your keyboard firing verbal bullets at the actual soldiers facing such dangers it makes me wonder who the “gutless coward” really is.