Wednesday, February 7, 2007


In a bold but necessary move, President Bush directed Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates to develop a US military command for Africa. Currently, all military operations in Africa are directed by Centcom, which is also responsible for military operations in the Middle East.

Congressional Democrats will see this as a defiant action on President Bush's part and another step in his goal to militarize as much of the world as he can by November 2008. However, it is obvious that terrorist operations are continuing to spread to Africas from the Middle East and increased US military presence in the region is needed.

In 1998, Islamic militants associated with Al Queda successfuly bomed the US embassys in Kenya and Tanzania killing more than 250 people. Last month, US forces launched attacks on terrorits camps beleived to contain suspects who perpetrated the attacks on the embassys in 1998.

This proves, that the War on Terroism is working. We cannot expect results overnight. Intelligence gathering and tracking takes a lot of hard work and a lot more time. We must be patient. The enmies time will come.

Further, by his own words, Osama Bin Laden stated that his intentions to attack the United States and wage war with us is based on our actions in a little African town by the name of Mogadishu. In 1993, the US military was relieved of duties in the region by President Clinton after an all night battle raged taking the lives of 19 special operations officers. Bin Laden believes that if he can blacked our eye enough then we will "cut and run".

The development of Africom is a much needed action taken by this President to secure a more peacful tomorrow.

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