Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Germany Arrest Warrants for CIA Agents?

Today, German courts authorized arrest warrants be issued for 13 CIA Agents believed to have kidnapped and held captive a German citizen. The citizen's name was Khaled el-Masri. He was supposedly abducted in Macedonia in December 2003. He was flown to Afghanistan, where he was tortured for 5 months then flown to Albania and left. German courts are looking to extradit the agents to Germany to face charges.

What is Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier thinking?

There is no clearer statement Germany can make in the War on Terror than to issue arrest warrants for CIA Agents bravely fighting behind the lines.

If the story is found to be true, I do not see a problem. First, the "victim" in questions is a Muslim. Europe is facing serious issues with the influx and currennt population of Muslims within their countries. The multiple riots over the past years are perfect examples. Germany should not even be protecting their own Muslim population if they are involved in terrorists activities. Masri would not have been taken if he were not involved in something criminal.

Second, as a citizen of Germany and terrorist operative, he is balancing whats he deems important in life to what might happen to him if he is found to be involved in terrorist activities. The United States determined him to be a crucial threat against the US and it's allies in the Middle East. For this reason, measures were taken to determine exactly what threat he did pose and to eliminate them. He is lucky that he was dropped of in Albania and something more tragic did not happen to him. I am sure if he was released in Afghanistan or Iraq he would have had a bad day.

The American people specifically, must understand that we are in a war with a determined enemy. We must briefly forsake the rights of some citizens, in America and other countries, to insure our continued existance. If taking Masri and torturing him for five months to obtain crucial information means that some Americans or other allies get to live then by all means go get him.

I question Germany's fortitude in the War on Terrorism. How can we expect to win the war against Islamic Radicals if we cannot depend on our allies for support?

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