Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Clinton/Obama Not The Ticket

The year is 2012, Iraq’s democracy has fallen and the country has been overrun with Islamic extremists funded by Iran and Syria. Israel has been burned into extinction by several Iranian Nuclear detonations. And America’s short lived patriotism after yet another terrorist attack on American soil has been over shadowed by Bi-partisan bickering about how to regulate the unforeseen impact of millions of illegal aliens obtaining amnesty. This is what our future holds as the first Presidential term comes to an end for President Hillary Clinton and Vice President Barack Obama.

Both Clinton and Obama have not had the experience in national politics that a Presidential candidate needs to be effective. Both have run against virtual unknowns in Congressional elections.

Obama was raised with Muslim and atheist influences and by his teenage years was addicted to illegal drugs, including Cocaine.

Obama has a socialistic ideology brain-washed into him by his “church” which believes in the murdering of unborn babies, homosexual marriage and the Palestinian movement to evict Israel from their home.

Obviously individual responsibility is not high on Obama’s list of qualities. How can he protect America in the war against terrorism if he can’t even protect an innocent baby?

Obama appears to be a liberal carbon copy following the path led by Hillary Clinton. Clinton believes the War in Iraq is fruitless and a waste of American lives. What more should I expect from a woman who will not even stand up and defend our American Flag by supporting an American Flag Desecration Amendment?

Clinton’s short Congressional career has been peppered with lies and aspersion. She promised to lower the un-employment rate in New York and failed miserably. She has been the focal point of numerous investigations.

Clinton is biased and un-willing to give fair appointments to judicial nominees. She voted against the appointment of Samuel Alito and John Roberts for the Supreme Court. Clinton’s reactions were no doubt based on that fact that she herself believes in men marrying men and the abortion of unborn babies.

If we pull out of Iraq, the Middle East will fall into the hands of Islamic extremists and weak democracies in the region will fall. This murderous ideology will spread into Africa and Europe. Attacks will be carried out on US soil. We will be engaged in urban guerilla combat with the enemy in the streets of Anytown, USA?

Illegal immigration will not be a problem; instead the problem will be with the criminals who were granted Amnesty and the daily flood of terrorist through the porous border. The 70% of Americans who believe marriage should be between a man and a woman will be over-ruled by liberal Supreme Court Justices. Millions of lives will be lost when Democrats vote that the sanctity of life is not something that should be protected but rather terminated on demand by scared and irresponsible women.

Realize the cost of our decisions and choose wisely. The liberal agenda is selfish and cares nothing for the American people.

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