Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Russia Tests Worlds Most Powerful Vacuum Bomb

Russia announced Tuesday that it has successfully tested the worlds most powerful vacuum bomb. The bomb, named "Father of all Bombs" has the destructive power of a nuclear bomb without the fallout. The bomb, which they insist does not conflict with any international treaties, causes massive destruction with an ultrasonic shock wave and incredibly high temperatures. A Russian authority stated, "all that is alive merely evaporates".

Compared to the US Massive Ordinance Air Burst bomb or MOAB, the Russian FOAB is four times more powerful with the equivalent of 44 metric tons of TNT. The temperature at the epicenter of the blast is twice as high.

Russian president Putin has recently ordered strategic bomber missions be flown on a regular schedule requiring NATO and other friendly nations to scramble fighter jets to intercept and escort them to deter any attacks. It is unknown if any of these bombers are already deploying the FOAB when they fly their missions.

If the Cold War did not heat back up with the resumed bomber missions, then it certainly has now. Their is no reason for the defunct Russian government to began this "arms race" with the rest of the world. Russia is not the target of any nation and by resuming strategic bomber flights
they only serve as an instigation to other countries to do the same. By testing and presumably deploying a bomb of this magnitude when they have no reason to use it as they are not involved in any of the current campaigns to ride the world of terrorists, it only serves as a first strike weapon against NATO or US forces.

I do not believe Putin is dumb enough to attack the US but when he steps down shortly, we cannot be sure what will happen in the vacuum he leaves. I doubt Russia's nuclear arsenal is in full control and I also doubt that their inventory of these bombs would be in control either. To insure the doctrine of mutually assured destruction or at least to maintain pace with the Russian military and maintain their defensive capabilities, other countries must maintain step with the Russian government and their military tactics. This can only create another arms race similar to the Cold War.

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